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B/B. Installations Paysagères

Catalogue of B&B 's work from 1988 to 1999, published in collaboration with the Absidial Gallery and Marc Babarit. With a critical essay by Anne Kerdraon, 96 pages, (four-colour printing) , A5 layout.

Public price : 22,10 Euros + 4,88 Euros postage fee.


a monumental project for the Pouch peninsula

The Dessau organization board of Expo 2OOO created Kulturlandschaft Goitzche in 1998 in order to convert the open-air coal mine of Pouch, near Bitterfeld, in Saxe Anhalt (Germany). This extremely ambitious project concerned an area of 62 square kilometers and involved a considerable number of participants...


since 1999 at la Corbinière des Landes the willow-wall


At Geo Brunel's request, at la Corbinière des Landes, near Goméné (in the Côtes d'Armor, in France) we began to realize a work in situ at the end of the winter of 1999. Since then we have returned there every spring to follow its evolution : to guide the plant life and help to take care of the site.


Artothèque d'Angers

This autumn the Pont : s'avancer pour mieux s'entendre(photo installation), was acquired by the Artothèque d'Angers.


Obras de Arboles
Contemporary Art Centre, Deputacion de Huesca (near Saragossa, Spain)
20 February - 17 March 2002.

The exhibition "Oeuvres d'Arbres", organized by Thérèse Vian-Mantovani in collaboration with the Materia Prima association, held at the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Pau (19 September 2001 - 7 January 2002) was taken over by the Deputacion de Huesca, near Saragossa, Spain.


Vitré, Galerie de l'Artothèque, 2 February - 24 March 2002
Vitré, Salle du Temple 2 February - 24 February 2002

B/B's photographic work was presented by the Artothèque of Vitré. This exhibition was a follow-up to the one shown at the Galerie de la Butte and the Centre Culturel de Cherbourg in November-December 2001.


Mois de l'image de Dieppe, 11 May - 9 June 2002
"La nature donnée à voir" - Installations and photographs

Presentation of eight photographic works by B/B to the Communication Department of the city of Dieppe. Equally present in this exhibition : Manuel Gipouloux, Laurent Millet, Bob Verscheuren, Andy Goldsworthy, Jean Vérame, Bernard Faucon, Christiane Chabot, Pascale Mirande, Bruni/Babarit, Yveline Loiseur.


Artists in Residence during the year 2001-2002
IUFM de Nantes

Opening of the installation " The Spinney's Two Gardens", 18 June 2002, 18.30 p.m.


Arte Sella 2002
Borgo/Valsugana, near Trento, northern Italy

Opening of the exhibition on Sunday the 1st of September 2002


"Natures Urbaines", Town of Fontenay-sous-bois. 

Opening of the exhibition, Sunday 22nd September 2002 - distribution of "in situ" works throughout the town.


Artothèque de Vitré

The acquisition this autumn of < Le Dôme et la Coupe> (photographic work) by the Artothèque of Vitré collection.


"Shore/lines", Ville de Barrie au nord de Toronto, dans l'Ontario 

Opening of the exhibition, Sunday 26nd September 2003.


"La ligne du Nord", Festival d'art contemporain des Laurentides, Ville de Mont Tremblant, Québec

August 7th to the 31st and September 26th, 27th and 28th 2003.

Artothèque de Limoges 

The acquisition this autumn of < Les Sentiers > and < La Tonnelle > (photographic works) by the Artothèque of Limoges collection.

Vallery (Yonne), 8th au 30th November 2003
<"Jardinage - "A nous deux" > - Photographs and sound device

Eight B/B's photographic works were presented in the village hall of Vallery, the exhibition was organized by the Centre d'Art de Tanlay. 


City of Brest (Finistère), Mjc-Mpt de l'Harteloire

Bruni/Babarit - Cabanes - Conversations - Jardins > - Photographs and sound device An exhibition carried out simultaneously to Mjc-Mpt de l'Harteloire, l'Artothèque of Brest and le Centre d'Art Passerelle, organized by Galaad Prigent (January 6th to February 28th 2004).


Château de la Roche Jagu (Côtes d'Armor)

Fenêtres sur paysages – Bruni/Babarit, Vincent Brodin, Bruno Guihéneuf, Michel Leclercq, Irène Le Goaster, Yvon Le Marlec – Domaine Départemental de la Roche Jagu, Ploézal, of May 8 st - September 30 st 2004. 


Château de la Roche Jagu
Fenêtres sur paysages

Opening of the exhibition, Sunday 26nd September 2003."Les deux bancs dans la vallée", 
August 8 st 2004 - 3:00 PM.



Opening of the exhibition "Le jardin dans la friche",  
September 24 st 2004 - 7:00 PM..


Chaîne Entretiens sur Canal-U

Installations Paysagères, interview by Anne Kerdraon, professeur in the university of Rennes 2, with Gilles Bruni et Marc Babarit, artists, channel Entretiens on https://www.canal-u.tv/chaines/universite-rennes-2-crea/le-jardin-bocager (french only), production University of Rennes 2, executive production CREA–Université de Rennes 2, copyright Université Rennes 2/CREA–ENTRETIENS, july 2004.


"Horizons, l’expérience de la nature [2]", exposition collective, La Ferté-Bernard

Marc Babarit et Gilles Bruni, Jean Clareboudt , Willem Cole, Pascal Convert, Thierry Girard, Toni Grant, Philippe Gronon, Harin Kneffel, François Morellet, Gina Pane, Didier Trenet, Holger Trulzlch. Oeuvres des collections du FRAC Bretagne, Haute–Normandie, Pays de la Loire, et collection des artistes. La Laverie, November 6 st  –  December 18 st 2004.


"Eco-photo", collective exhibition, Long Island City, New York

Christo (USA), Ursula von Rydingsvard (USA), Pat Dougherty (USA), Chris Drury (GB), Nils-Udo (D), Alan Sonfist (USA), Egil Martin Kurdol (N), Bruni/Babarit (F). Show at Dorsky Gallery, curated by John K. Grande, November 21 st 2004 - January 30 st 2005.



Opening of the exhibition, Friday 24nd June 2005, 6:00 PM. "En parcourant le village dans sa totalité, de l’intérieur, à travers rues, passages et impasses qui en définissent les limites et les respirations, afin d’en approcher la nature organique".

Summer 2005  


La Ferté-Bernard

Opening of the exhibition, Friday 01st July 2005, 6:00 PM."Le bâtiment à l'abandon".

Summer 2005



Opening of the biennal, Thursday 08st - Sunday 11st December 2005.

December 2005


Artothèque de Limoges

This winter <Le Pont> and <L'ïle du Barrage> (photo installation), was acquired by the Artothèque de Limoges.

Le jardin dans la friche

Le jardin dans la friche is a collective garden taking the shape and dimensions of a tennis court. This landscape installation of Bruni and Babarit, located in an urban waste land, joined together, during nearly one year, students, voluntary and inhabitants of a district of Pau. The installation of Bruni and Babarit is under a reflexion on the urban renewal of the district, and refer to the collective gardens which have flowered inside the cities for several decades. Fact of vegetables, flowers and aromatics, the garden in the waste land is connected with a vegetable small island ringed by buildings and parks, become the one season time a point of meetings, the place of a shared Utopia.

Realisation of the book : Galaad Prigent and Bruni/Babarit

15 € • 16 x 21 cm • 48 pages • booklet color • flexible cover with reductions • ISBN 2-915859-05-1 • Coproduction : MJC Berlioz (Pau, France) and Lycée Pau Montardon


Natural Architecture 

The book present a selection of structures made with natural elements. The book will show works made by architects and artists, looking for that specific edge where architecture and art melt.

series director : Alessandro Rocca

September 2006, published from 22 publishing, Milan.

24 x 16,5 cm • 215 pages • color • ISBN 88-95185-01-3 • 

Plans for the futur... ]

© bruni/babarit
   octobre 2001