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a Landscape of Water
Publics Benches
The Fallen Tree
At the end
ot the tunnel / Grotesque / Documentary
Sand Quarry in the Mangrove Swamp
The Landing Place
Dialogue on
Rainy Days
The Crater
The Foutain
The Waste land
The Camp of
The Barque
14 Benches face à
of Alders
+ Bruni/Babarit's website
June 2023
Since the summer of 2021,
Labanque has been working with Gilles Bruni in the region. He is
developing artistic projects around the Lacquette watercourse in the
north-west of the CABBALR from Estrée-Blanche via Liettres, Blessy,
Quernes and Witternesse. Her artistic interests have focused on the
landscape, the ecology of the area, its inhabitants and their stories,
and the different uses to which water is put.
After a two-year residency in the area, following the Lacquette from
upstream to downstream, Gilles Bruni embarked on an artist-colporteur
approach: going from place to place, spotting and gathering materials
from nature and the stories told by local residents... as witnesses of
his encounters with the river.
To mark the end of Gilles Bruni's residency, the public is invited to
take part in the "encampments". These are eight public meetings,
organised from Estrée Blanche to Witternesse. Each camp is set up for a
short time along the Lacquette. Conceived as an open-air exhibition,
the encampment is an opportunity to discover everything the artist has
collected (materials, stories, etc.) and to chat with him or her.
Labanque is a cultural facility belonging to the Communauté d'Agglomération de Béthune-Bruay, Artois Lys Romane.
To find out more about Gilles Bruni's residency, visit the artist's blog https://ensuivantlalacquette.fr/ and downloadable fanzines from the website http://www.lab-labanque.fr/ residence/index.html
[ + Lire la fiche installation ]
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La restitution : le retour au lac du masque-cache
] Restitution: back to the mask-and-hide lake
Monday 13 June 2022, filming of Gilles Bruni's performance in the Grand-Lieu marshes.
"It was beautiful and moving to witness the return of the Grande Bloute
to the landscape that made it exist. The end of a story that began in
2016." / Arnaud de la Cotte
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June 2022
An artistic and
cultural life unfolds at the abbey and its coastline, nourished by the
environmental issues at hand. Many artists stop off here, finding a
structure that welcomes them and helps them to create.
The Bois de Beauport, the abbey and its coastline now form a remarkable
120-hectare natural site, owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral. To
create his work "Le bois des rencontrés", Gilles Bruni investigated the
links that the people of Paimpol have forged with this little-known
forest. The stories and maps reveal a silent but powerful attachment to
the ordinary nature that makes up our everyday environment.
Presented to the public during les Nuits des Forêts (Forest Nights), Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 20 June 2022.
Abbaye de Beauport (Côte d'Armor) https://abbayebeauport.com/
[ + Lire la fiche installation ]
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Marches performées, à la rencontre des évènements du bois de Beauport.
Performed walks, discovering events in the Beauport woods.
A l'origine prévues avec Dominique Mullner, mais qui a été empêchée.
Elles ont été menées seul, en silence, avec un petit groupe de
Samedi 18 juin, 10-12h et mercredi 22 juin 11-13h.
[ + Lire la fiche ]
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] "Connexion"
June 2021
For the 2021 session of the Land Art des Balcons de l'Aigoual course,
Gilles Bruni designed and created "Réseau", in agreement with the
Cévennes National Park. Réseau plunges us into the heart of the
essential principle of what makes forests, the intertwining and
interconnectivity of species that form such a rich system. The forest
is a place in constant rebalancing. The "networks" which constitute it
are bridges in which energy circulates so that the whole can subsist
and make a "forest".
Gilles Bruni's work here sheds light on these links inherent in this
complex and fragile environment, the installation thus conveys the
message of the vulnerability of this balance.
Les balcons de l’Aigoual 2021,
La filature du Mazel (Val d'Aigoual)
[ + Read
the note of the installation and see pictures ]
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"PASSAGES (D'un monde à l'autre)"
] Passages (From one world to another)
July 2020
Gilles Bruni in partnership with 'Annecy Paysages' is at La Ferme de
Chosal from July 3rd until the end of the month for a collaborative
work around an art and nature installation "From one world to another"
called at the end "Passages" by the artist.
During a visit Gilles Bruni noticed the presence of stone pebbles in
nearby rural path, a pebble is a stone-being that saw the flow of
water. These pebbles are for him as actors and users of Chosal, passing
through. These mark the life of the farm in one way or another. Chosal
is the fruit of a multitude of presences, that gives her identity.
Land Art
Department of the ESAT Farm of Chosal
'Annecy Paysages 2020'
La Ferme de Chosal / Copponex (outside Annecy)
[ + Read
the note of the installation and see pictures ]
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"Circum lacustre,
Pérégrinations au lac de Grand-Lieu"
] "Lake
Peregrinations to the Grand-Lieu Lake,
July 2016 to 2017
Online film directed by Arnaud de la Cotte
An artistic project by
Gilles Bruni filmed and directed by Arnaud de la Cotte for the
association l'Esprit du place in 2017. The subtitle, Pérégrinations au
lac de Grand-Lieu, July 2016 to 2017, marks this long time of the
artist's follow-up during his residence around the lake. For a year,
from season to season, accompanied by the association l’Esprit du Lieu,
Gilles Bruni took the lake and its marshes, sometimes crossing it,
often bypassing it, to find out more about this place which is not open
to the visitor. Gilles Bruni went to meet human and non-human riparian
residents to forge his own experience of the place and produce artistic
forms that he is not so familiar with, such as mask-hide or hybrid
sculptures between the animal and the plant. Gilles Bruni brought out
the figure of the 'Grande Bloute', a 'mask-cache' that emerged from his
encounter with Grand-Lieu.
La Margirondière
June 2019
association l'Éclaircie has repeatedly affirmed the importance of
cultural openness, we are convinced that being a citizen means having
access to all forms of culture. In this context, an artist residency
project was initiated at the end of 2017 with artist Gilles Bruni.
It will run from 2018-2019. This action is carried out in partnership
with the Jardin de Verre, the Education Nationale and today with the
École d'art, which welcomes us to its premises.
At the art school in Cholet, impasse des Charuelles, from May 5 to 25,
Gilles Bruni presents "Itinérance", installed with the collaboration of
the team that is now accompanying him in Margirondière and the
participation of students from the school's preparatory academic Art
June 14 will be the highlight of his residence, a time of meeting with
the public will be organized on the site, near the lake.
Opening Friday, June 4, 2019 at 16H, departmental road 157, axis
Maulévrier - La Tessoualle
(Verdon lake edge - Parking at 47 ° 00'09.65''N - 0 ° 48'26.14''W)
From 14h to 20h explicaive visits of the work by the ariste and the
employees; 18h thanks; 18:30 animation concert with DES
[ + Read the note of the installation ]
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Le Patio :
March 2019
A residence at Lycée Notre-Dame de Challans, from
September 2018 to March 2019.
The project implemented in the patio is evolutive,
progressive, like a long performance nourished by the reactions and
exchanges with the people of
crossed, solicited, or in the framework of collaborations
with those of Plastic Arts. The project was fuelled by "rumours" that
circulated during the autumn, materials - "scraps" - recovered from the
school, punctuating the camp, giving rise to a feeling of "shipwreck",
a situation of abandonment: an uninhabited place, perceived as
inhospitable. This culminated in the effect of the storm that brought
several tents to the ground, damaging or washing them away, pushing the
organization to rebuild somewhat on site. With the last phase, after
the winter holidays, the latent photographic project became a new
concern, adopting a voyeuristic posture; this one presents the site of
common points of view for students from their classrooms, arranged
around the patio. A small publication planned with the Visual Arts
teachers should make it possible to restore the spirit and adventure of
this camp that has emerged and is taking place in the heart of the
Friday, March 15, a presentation of the work of the residence is
scheduled at 17h, at Lycée Notre-Dame, Challans, 2 rue du Bois Fossé.
[ + Read the note of the installation ]
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Residency in
Hestercombe, somerset, UK
July 2018
French artist Gilles
produces contextual based landscape works. He is particularly
interested in the ecology of a place, its inhabitants and their
history. He often, therefore, builds collaborations and partnerships
with others to make work happen. His art works and field activities
have taken him beyond France to Germany, the USA, Canada, Denmark,
Italy, Austria and Venezuela. We are delighted that this residency will
be his first in the UK.
At Hestercombe he is drawn to the Landscape Garden and the potential
restoration of an eighteenth century ‘Hermitage’. From 9th July he will
become Hestercombe’s own ‘Hermit’; building a shelter and reacting with
visitors. Not only does this work relate to the history of Hestercombe
but for the artist it also resonates with today’s migrant crisis.
The hermit's walk: on Thursday 12th July and Wednesday 18th July,
Gilles will lead a walk
to some of the hidden sites of Hestercombe.
A blog to follow the
time in the Hermitage site: https://hestercombe.com/thegallery/
[ + Read the note of the
installation at West Combe ]
+ Read the note of
the installation in Hermitage site ]
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pavillon des marches"
] The steps pavilion
The uses of the place: artist's residence.
In residence since autumn, 2017, the artist has surveyed the Domaine de
Kerguéhennec. Observing the various uses of places, his steps lead him
to the meeting of the fishermen, the joggers, the walkers, the mushroom
pickers, the art lovers, the staffs of the center of art, the
neighbors, the visitors …
Every meeting acts as a revelation of the landscape: a old system of
irrigation is brought to light here, a ditch testifies of the old
agricultural activity there, trees fallen during storms become the
places of an important biodiversity, in it under wood the light becomes
green … Fed by his first meetings, Gilles Bruni begins a performance: a
wandering through the woods and valleys, presented to the Meetings in
gardens in 2017. then he pulls a protocol of work and creation which he
activates in the course of individual walking realized with people from
the town of Bignan.
Through these walking, the emotion and the knowledge of the places of
each train a domain for the multiple faces. In the Detached house of
walking (Le Pavillon des Marches), Gilles Bruni shares the tracks of
these 'artpentages': noted routes, texts, plans, photos are so many
elements allowing to feed the experience of the place and to understand
the work in the course of an artist in residence.
Within the the time of the exhibitions presented from July 1th till
November 4th, 2018 to the Domaine de Kerguéhennec, The detached house
of walking will be open to the public.
+ Visuel du pavillon] [
+ Visuel marche]
+ Visuel détail]
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Since december the 9th 2017 the
exhibition circulates around the lake, it restores the residence
organized by 'l'Esprit du Lieu'.
During one year, by season in season, accompanied by the association
'l'Esprit du Lieu', Gilles Bruni has
surveyed the
lake and his swamps to be inspired by it and create artistic and
vegetable forms. It is the synthesis of this work which he presents us
Médiathèque de Saint-Léger-les-Vignes : 9 - 22 décembre 2017 ; Collège
Julie-Victoire-Daubié à Saint-Philbert de Grand-Lieu : 12 - 26 janvier
2018 ;
Collège Olympe de Gouges à Sainte-Pazanne : 29 janvier - 23 février
2018 ;
La Maison du Lac de Grand-Lieu à Bouaye : 24 février - 11 mars 2018 ;
Le clos des buis à Saint-Lumine-de-Coutais : 13 - 18 mars 2018 ;
Lycée Notre Dame à Challans : 21 mars - 25 avril 2018 ;
et le site de l'Abbatiale à Saint-Philbert-de-Grand-Lieu : 25 avril -
18 juin 2018.
[ + Read the note of the installation ]
The book 'Circum-Lacustre': Editor website
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October 2017
'l'Esprit du Lieu' 2016-2017, a performance playing episodes of the
peregrination of the mask-hiding place around the lake of Big Place
During one year, Gilles Bruni has
surveyed the
lake de 'Grand-Lieu' and his swamps, sometimes crossing it, often
by-passing it, to know more about this place which shies away from the
too much pressed visitor. Gilles Bruni went to meet human local
residents and non-human local residents to build up to itself his own
experience of the place and produce artistic forms which are not so
familiar to him as the mask-hiding place or the hybrid sculptures
between the animal and the vegetable. During this artistic ride in the
swamp, Gilles Bruni will stage the appearance of the 'Grande Bloute',
mask-hinding place which arose from its meeting with Grand-Lieu.
Meet the 'Grande Bloute', artistic ride on swamps, on Saturday, October
14th at 3:30 am, Locality la
Tuilerie / Saint-Lumine-de-Coutais.
Samedi 14 octobre
vers 16h15.
Video on
line 2017/10/17:
Following the residency, the blog :
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September 2017
residence Artois Comm.
Cité des Electriciens, Town of Bruay la Buissière, Pas-de-Calais, France
The Cité des Électriciens opens its doors for the Heritage Days, on
September 16 and 17, 2017. A preview presentation of the Refuge,
installation of Gilles Bruni in the 'carin' of artists, where the flora
of wasteland alongside new productions (papers, tissues, plants).
+ Read note of the installation ]
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June 2017
Residency Kerguéhennec
2017-2018, a performance in the form of a walk
involving an audience in the Domaine of Kerguéhennec, during the
"Rendez-vous aux Jardins" days, 1st weekend of June.
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4, June.
[ + Read note of the installation ]
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September 2016
Symposium of Art Nature
2016, from september the 22th to october the 2nd in the "parc
écologique du
Millénaire" University of Moncton, New-Brunswick (Canada). Dix jours
d'art public et de
conférences autour du thème de l'aménagement du territoire par les arts
et l'écologie.
Une initiative du Département d'arts visuels et du Département de
sociologie de l'Universtité de Moncton, de la Galerie d'art Louise
Reuben-Cohen et de l'association acadienne des artistes
professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick.
September the 22th to october
the 2nd.
[ + Read note of the installation ]
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September - october 2016
from august the 24th to september the 15th 2016, réalisation d'une
installation artistique paysagère sur un espace de Antigonish Landing
et présentation lors de la manifestation Antigonight les 16 et 17
septembre 2016.
Installation from august the
24th to october the 31th.
[ +
Read note of the installation ]
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STUWA 2016
March - May 2016
From a proposition of the PETR
- Pays du Sundgau, STUWA, le parcours Art et Nature du Sundgau, est
inauguré en 2015 avec 6 artistes contemporains qui ont investi 7
communes de ce territoire du sud de l'Alsace. En 2016, la seconde
édition a rassemblé 7 artistes qui ont investi 7 nouveaux villages avec
des propositions en écho à la nature, aux cultures et au patrimoine
Opening sunday june the 5th.
[ +
Read note of the installation ]
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Sphinx Thebes festival
to the exhibiition curated by Dores and Rose Sacquegna in the
Conference Center of Thiva, Tebe, Greece.
Gilles Bruni documents his works on landescape, ecology of the place,
people and their history in the following videos: "The rotting in the
undergrowth" on material reuse, and "Waste land", on the practises of
landscape ecology in public spaces.
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"grotesque 2 : an underground landscape"
April - June 2014
in the edition 2014 of the Contemporary Course of the City of
Fontenay-le-Comte who is opened to the public from 12 till 20 September
2014. Having centered on the resonance between heritage and
contemporary art, demonstration institutes a dialogue between today's
works of art and the urban area which welcomes them: Home Chevolleau,
Museum of the Vendée of Fontenay, Home Billaud, n ° 22, place Belliard.
On Saturday, July 12th in Saturday, September 20th.
[ +
Read note of the installation ]
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In the garden of the 'Maison du Conte'
To close three working years, the storytellers
of the Laboratory 3,
accompanied by Abbi Patrix and the artist-landscapist Gilles Bruni,
prepared two parties when the worlds of India and of Land Art meet.
"Let us cultivate our garden! #2", The Home of Tale, Chevilly-Larue,
Val de Marne, France.
From Friday, 27 till Saturday, June 28th.
La Maison du Conte
[ +
Read note of the installation ]
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Exhibition from January 11th till February 8th, 2014, private view on
Saturday, January 11th from 17 h.
Artothèque Idéograf, Saint-Étienne.
Shutter 1 / Viviane clerk Barou, Gilles Bruni, Marie-José Morgat-Petit
Plan carried by Artothèque and accomplished between 2010 and 2012
(online Volume 1 and 2). Reflexion on war, having as starting point the
letters of French soldiers in World War I - (website ideograf)
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"Some niches for being immersed into the wood
of mapple trees"
Participation in event “Créations sur-le-champ” 2013, which takes place
this year from 16 till 20 October 2013 for the seventh year.
The place where
takes place event, orchard of Mr Michel Robert, “the Pavilion of the
apple” of the north
side, located at the foot of the Mountain of Mont-Saint-Hilaire,
Quebec, Canada.
Dates: between 15 and October 19th, 2013.
Read note of the installation
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January, 2012 - September, 2013
part of
a residence organised by the Metropolitan area 'Artois Comm.' to the
City of the Electricians, City of Bruay-la-Buissière, Giles Bruni led
this residence for two years, with the active participation of groups
which made live this plan and allowed to succeed the installation of
the camping in the waste land of these historical miners' terraced
houses before its rehabilitation.
On the occasion of "Courant Septembre", the event which will mark the
final closing of the site and the beginning of jobs, the job of serat
visible Gilles Bruni during a dozen days. At this occasion the public
will be able to visit the site, participate in events and go through
On Tuesday, September 10th in Friday, September 20th in the City of the
[ + Read
note of the installation ]
Encampment Video 2013 (online the 9/6/2015):
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"vegetal ARRANGEMENT 2"
July - September 2013
part of a residence organised by the Loire-Atlantique Departemnet in
the castle of Clisson, Gilles Bruni, accompanied with Arnaud de la
Cotte, follow their job on the question of the place of the plants in
the ruins.
At this beginning of July, shutter 2 of this plan ends. To this
occasion we invite you to come to exchange around this plan and to
discover achievements.
To ours invitation, Amaury Bourget, imagined a sound installation for
On Saturday, July 6th at 16 h 30 in the castle of Clisson.
Blog : http://arrangementvegetal.blogspot.fr/
Read note of the installation
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May 26th September-30, 2013
crossroads of territories and of epochs, between forested and
urbanised, agricultural zones, heritage and modernity, the departmental
Domain of Chamarande is a microcosm where co-exist the diversity of
circles and the transformations of the landscape. For exhibition
Circles, a dozen of French and international artists invites you in
(re)discover the diversity of the "circles" of this remarkable site by
diving in her 98 hectares. The artists imagined outdoor installations,
on the scale of the place, favouring meeting, discovery and
distribution of experiments. Domain is so transformed into a true space
of observation and of correlation with nature
where the visitors can experiment of new ways to in their environment
and to live together.
The artists:
Brandon Bellanger, Frank Smith, Bruit du Frigo, Gilles Bruni,
Christophe Clottes, Olivier Darné, Nicolas Floc'h, Etienne de France,
Camille Goujon, Suzanne Husky, Nicolas Milhé, Liliana Motta, Laurent
Exhibitions with linked commissioner Coal
Website: http://chamarande.essonne.fr/productions-milieux-2013/
[ + Read note of the
installation ]
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Août - octobre 2012
Dans le cadre d’une résidence organisée par le Département de la
Loire-Atlantique au château de Clisson, Gilles Bruni, accompagné
d’Arnaud de la Cotte, travaille sur la question de la place du végétal
dans la ruine.
En ce début du mois d’août, la 1ère phase de ce projet se termine. A
cette occasion nous vous invitons à venir échanger autour de ce projet
et à découvrir l’état d’avancement des réalisations.
A notre invitation, Amaury Bourget, a imaginé une installation sonore
pour les lieux.
Vous pouvez apporter votre pique-nique pour prolonger ce moment.
Mercredi 1er août à 12h au château de Clisson, entrée libre.
Blog : http://arrangementvegetal.blogspot.fr/
[ +
Read note of the installation
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Friendliness, ecology and life practices"
13 mai -30 septembre 2012
Le Domaine de
Chamarande fait « Salons » autour de nouveaux dispositifs de
imaginés par des artistes et des architectes. Outre une réflexion sur
enjeux sociaux et globaux, ce nouveau salon se rapproprie une
intelligence et
une curiosité de son milieu. Il redevient un lieu d’échange d’acteurs
de bâtir ensemble une nouvelle culture du « local ». Plus que jamais,
salon est une méthode. Inspirée de la culture du développement durable
et de
son approche co-créative, la consultation des parties en amont des
mise sur la complémentarité des acteurs au sein des projets.
complet du Domaine devient ainsi l’enjeu même de l’exposition.
Les artistes :
Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey, Après vous (Nathalie La Hargue et
Laurence Yared), Ivan Argote, Lise autogena et Joshua Portway, Brandon
Ballengée, Pauline Bastard, Neal Beggs, Lilian Bourgeat, Thierry
Boutonnier, Michel de Broin, Gilles
Bruni, Betty Bui, Lucie Chaumont, Encore heureux, Didier Faustino,
Nicolas Floch, Freaks
architectes, Sylvain Gouraud, Hehe, Christina Hemauer & Roman
Keller, Julien Prévieux, Olivier Kosta-Théfaine, Raum Architectes,
Stefan Shankland, Superflex,
Veit Stratmann.
artistique : Lauranne Germond, Loic Fel
et Clément Willemin, Coal.
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2011, Art with Landscape"
Gilles Bruni (F), Masashi Echigo (JP/B), Rhodri Davies (UK), Els van
Riel (B), Christelle Fillod (F), Jesse Cremers (B) et al.
le 20/08/2011 à 11h, jusqu'au 09/10/2011, The old brick kiln,
Kauwstraat 103, Sint-Lievens-Esse, Herzele, Belgium
Site Internet : www.arpia-art.be
[ + Read note of
the installation ]
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"Balance : go up - go down /
go down - go up, change point of view to feel the marsh better"
of the Domaine de Chamarande, Essonnes, in link with the plan of
management of the park.
[ + Rea note
of the installation ]
public dimanche 3 juillet 2011, jusqu'à fin décembre
[ + Site Internet ]
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DE Gilles Bruni
From October 2021 to June 2023, artist Gilles Bruni was in residence at
Labanque, a cultural facility run by the Béthune-Bruay urban community
in the Pas de Calais region. The result is a book that tells the story
of his peregrinations in the Lacquette river basin.
"An immersion in the Lacquette basin over several years... A book is needed to share my encounters with the river." (in French)
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Saturday 17 and Sunday
18 June 2023, as part of the public events organised from Estrée-
Blanche to Witternesse. Each camp will be set up for a short time along
the river Lacquette. Conceived as an open-air exhibition, the camp is
an opportunity to discover what the artist has collected as a peddler.
"On the ground, he unrolls a tablecloth that looks like a map, unfurls
it and brings it to life with his account of the basin, laying down
stones that he has found near the bank...".
Video from Arnaud de la Cottte
on line 2023/10/08 :
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La restitution : le retour au lac du masque-cache
(Restitution: back to the mask-and-hide lake)
Monday 13 June 2022, filming
of Gilles Bruni's performance in the Grand-Lieu marshes. "It was
beautiful and moving to witness the return of the Grande Bloute to the
landscape that made it exist. The end of a story that began in
2016." / Arnaud de la Cotte
Video from Arnaud de la Cottte :
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Résidence Hors les murs, Labanque, Béthune Bruay Artois Lys Romane
is delighted to welcome Gilles Bruni back for another residency. We all
remember the landscape installations he created at the Prévôté de
Gorre, on the Carbolux wasteland in Gosnay and at the Cité des
électriciens. This time, the artist is concentrating his work on the
waterways of the Communauté d'Agglomération de Béthune-Bruay. He will
be out in the field on a fairly regular basis, every month, scouting
out locations, carrying out documentary research and meeting with local
players. Gilles Bruni's residency will run until 2023l.
Samia Dzaïr, Labanque mediator
Access to the residency diary :

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Résidence à l'Abbaye de Beauport
20 months, from 2020 to 2022, Beauport Abbey will be working with
artist Gilles Bruni on a new management plan for the Beauport-Kerarzic
natural site.
The project was born of the desire to see an artist use the technical
data produced by a management plan to reveal another Beauport, hidden
in the folds of our human histories, and to explore the place of other
living beings there. This look at the site and its missions also aims
to bring Nature and Culture closer together.
Access to the Beauport residency notebook :

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Itinérance - La Margirondière
DE Gilles Bruni
From the end of 2017
to June 2019, artist Gilles Bruni was in residence at l'Éclaircie, a
social integration organisation based in Cholet. The result is a book
that gives a narrative form to his encounters. This allows him to
unfold a visual narrative to recreate an atmosphere combining people
and places, showing encounters transcended by the attachment to place
that develops over time.
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on Thursday 30 of July 2020
path in the undergrowth is a crossing, you can walk there for a long
time under the cover of the grove. This is the matrix of this artistic
work. The site becomes a place, the place declares itself on the ground
as the accumulation of our passages; the litany of the first names
ponctuates the walk.
Video showing
wandering in Passages online 2020/08/11:
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Hermitage / L'ermitage
De Gilles Bruni and Hestercombe Gallery
This publication
documents the artist Gilles Bruni's residency at Hestercombe in summer
2018. Gilles Bruni was Hestercombe's first artist in residence.
Printed in a limited edition of 150.
Site Hestercombe Gallery
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Refuge : le carin des étendoirs
du mercredi 15 Mai 2019
2015 I had worked on a specific aspect of the project "Campement" :
The "carins" dryer and et conservatory for plants which
came from products of the tents-working place from "Campement", a
set of shapes and actions developed over time which had fed on items
found on the site itself and the people I met there.
"Campement principle" was urgently needed to invest a place that
escaped me - what is disappearing and we desperately try to save.
Refuge refers in some way to an archeology of the plant.
the "carin des plantes" on line 2019/07/02:
Video of
the "carin aux étendoirs" on line 2019/07/01:
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du mardi 11 juin 2019
not look for the Margirondière on a map, this name, it does not exist,
or rather this place does not exist any more, the eponymous farm has
been engulfed and lies at the bottom of the stream of Arcis, one of the
arms of the lake. Beside, the current site has been invested, since the
winter, with a group of employees of the Eclaircie insertion
association. "We have learned to see it other than to simply cross it
or evoke a mowing to be done or to make observations on the height of
the water: we took the time of the winter, graphic, with its luminous
transparencies; spring, exuberant, green, dense to the point of losing
us in hide-and-seek games, come and tinker with it as a pretext to ask
us here and there for no other purpose than to weave our relationship
instead, to materialize it somehow."
Video on line 2019/06/17 :
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the inauguration of the Cité des Electriciens on Friday, May 17th, in
Bruay-la-Buissière, Refuge has been updated. The work is now accessible
from May 18, date of opening to the public.

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From May 6 to
25: exhibition itinerancy Gilles Bruni and employees of Eclairicie at
the art school of the city of Cholet (49).
Since Thursday, September 20, 2018, Gilles Bruni is artist residency at
the Eclaircie, a structure of insertion by the economic activity of
city of Cholet. He meets the teams of the association, accompanies them
to immerse himself, and seeks to change the eyes of employees in the
workplace. A blog allows you to follow, like a logbook, the
peregrinations of building sites. Eventually we must imagine landscape
interventions on a site on the shores of Lake Verdon which will give
place, mid June, to a public presentation. Today it is at a
presentation of this course that he named Itinerance, he invites us in
an outdoor area to those practiced by the association, an opportunity
for meetings with users and students of the school. art of the city of

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The Hermit's
artist Gilles Bruni produces contextual based landscape works. He is
particularly interested in the ecology of a place, its inhabitants and
their history. At Hestercombe he is drawn to the Landscape Garden and
the potential restoration of an eighteenth century ‘Hermitage’. For two
weeks in July (9th – 22nd) he will become Hestercombe’s own Hermit’;
building a shelter and reacting with visitors. Not only does this work
relate to the history of Hestercombe but for the artist it also
resonates with today’s migrant crisis.
On Thursday 12th July and Wednesday 18th July, Gilles will lead a walk
to some of the hidden sites of Hestercombe. Sturdy footwear is

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From February
the 24th to March the 11th: exhibition 'Circum Lacustre' from Gilles
Bruni at the 'Grand-Lieu' 'Maison
du Lac', rue du Lac à Bouaye (44).
one year, by season in season, accompanied by the association l'Esprit
du lieu, Gilles Bruni has surveyed the lake and his swamps to be
inspired by it and create artistic and vegetable forms. It is the
synthesis of this work which he presents us from February 24th till
March 11th, at the 'Grand-Lieu' 'Maison du Lac'.

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A la rencontre de la Grande-bloute
the 'Grande Bloute', performance played during an artistic ride on
swamps, on Saturday, October 14th, 2017 at 3:30 am, Locality La
Tuilerie / Saint-Lumine-de-Coutais.

'Circum-Lacustre', l'Esprit du Lieu, Current project, since July, 2016,
presentations planned in municipalities around the Lake in autumn, 2017.
Video on line 2017/10/2017:
To follow the residency, the blog :

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Le TransformAteur
DE Gilles Bruni et Aude Robert
Projet en cours à la
S.I.B. au Transformateur à Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon. Une initiative commune débutée fin 2014 dans
une friche industrielle du département de Loire Atlantique.
on line 2017/03/27:
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The Landing

An Earth Art
Project: 24 Aug-31 Oct // "Antigonight"
: 16-17 Sept, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Watch All-of-Us Society for Art Presentation's project, The Landing,
Commemorating the installation at the Antigonish Landing in 2016 with
internationally recognized earth artist, Gilles Bruni and ceramist Fenn
Martin. The video was edited by Corinne Marie :
The Landing
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Arrangement, Castle of Clisson
gilles Bruni and Arnaud de la Cotte, with
Vincendeau (EDITIONS Joca Seria - 2015)
"Vegetal Arrangement " is an artistic experience led by Gilles Bruni
accompanied with
Arnaud de la Cotte as part of artists' residence in the Castle of
Clisson from March, 2012 till October, 2013. During two years, by the
enchantment of Arrangement, the castle filled up with seagoing
characters between invention and reality, the gardener, the artist, the
visitor, followed by the small underground crowd of the plants which
live in the place. To the rhythm of seasons, 14 stations fanned out in
areas divided by the ruins to offer a parallel history.
In the course of dialogue, they wonder about their report in the place,
in the visitor and in the plant. In the course of pictures they rebuild
the space of Arrangement, weave sometimes fine links with an intimate
story of art and practice of Gilles Bruni. Jean-Louis Vincendeau,
historian of art and of gardens, carries a poetic look on the whole
plant Arrangement.
+ Website editor
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De Gilles Bruni et EMILIE SCHWARTZ
accomplished as part of a residence organised by the Metroploitan area
'Artois Comm.' in the City of the Electricians, City of
Bruay-la-Buissière. Gilles Bruni led this residence between 2012 and
2013, with the active participation of groups which made live this plan
and allowed to succeed the installation of the encampment in the waste
land of these historical miners' terraced houses before its
on line 2015/9/6 :
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Rotting in the undergrowth,
a way to recycle dead wood, cut or felled and let come decomposers,
until humus"
Exhibition Interview
2013 (put 17/6/2013 online):
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"Garden nearly invisible"
(28 juil 2012)
[ +
Read the article,
french only]
bruni in the castle of clisson,
suite (2) - (18 sept 2012)
[ +
Read the article,
french only]
Jean-Louis Vincendeau's articles in BUD-UP
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gosnay, the artistic experience at the
taste of unfinished
Blanc, Amaury Bourget and Gilles Bruni
Publication of the article in EspacesTemps.net
[ +
Read the article, french only ]
Creation of 'B4 Collective'
september 2011
Blanc, Amaury Bourget, Gilles Bruni et Philippe Brioude
(contact : b4collective@gmail.com)
[ +
Read the document, french only ]
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a time when environment is in the middle of public concerns,
"Écoplasties" introduces a panorama of protocols, problems and answers
which artists of the whole world develop, each in their way, to
consider environment in another way.
Work shows
the diversity of steps and of question settings, both as regards the
transformations of artistic practices, in proposals and productions,
and the new reports in the environment which they implicate.
Artists' about twenty discuss so with the authors to explain their link
specific for the question of environment.
These discussions are preceded of a broad
introduction which, by offering a bet in historical perspective, allows
to take all measure of this environmental art, its mutations and of its
development of the beginning of this century in today.
with Ala Plastica, Van Lieshout workshop, Iain Baxter and, Gilles
Bruni, Caretto e Spagna, Minerva Cuevas, Georg Dietzler, Mark Dion,
Olafur Eliasson, Peter Fend, Peter Goin, Hans Haacke, Janet Laurence,
Newton and Helen Mayer Harrison, Heather and Ivan Morison, Platform,
Alexis Rockman, Ann Rosenthal, Stefan Shankland, Mierle Laderman
Ukeles, Herman de Vries
25 euros - 288 pages
+ Site de l'éditeur
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Worldwatchers 3
À l’heure des interrogations sur le réchauffement climatique et des
risques environnementaux qui en découlent, les artistes, parmi lesquels
Art Orienté Objet, Amy Balkin, Gilles Bruni, Seamus Farrell, Romain
Pellas et Akira Sunrise, proposent une réflexion qui prend pour point
d’ancrage le territoire bucolique de la vallée du Lot. Comment en
est-on arrivé là ? Telle est la question qui se pose quand on compare
cet environnement vierge de toute urbanisation à l’état des friches
industrielles et des villes polluées. Dans cet ouvrage, on retrouvera
des illustrations présentant les travaux exposés lors de cette
manifestation. Celles-ci sont accompagnées de textes, parfois écrits
par les artistes eux-mêmes, expliquant les démarches artistiques.
Enfin, il s’agit d’un hommage au Land Art dont les œuvres d’art «
géoplasticiennes » font du spectateur un acteur à part entière de la
création. Et ainsi, selon Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa, « l’œuvre d’art peut
bien être en attente de ceux qui sauront en recevoir la lumière. Elle
peut bien être en état de veille, en situation de vigile, montant la
garde à l’avant-garde. Veilleuse du monde. »
20 euros - 176 pages
Site de l'éditeur

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Gardener, The Excavator and the ARTIST, GILLES
publication de Gilles
Bruni à paraître aux éditions Zédélé, Le
Jardinier, la Pelleteuse et
l'Artiste est publié en partenariat avec le Domaine
départemental de Chamarande, à l’occasion
de l’installation de l’artiste dans le parc.
5 euros - 20 pages - 18,5 x 26 cm - impression offset nb - brochure
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Lire la
suite ]
[ + Lire la fiche
installation ]